Sunday, December 28, 2008

Depression? Not really.

I am unsure what this is that I seem to be going through, it could be just crazy laziness. I have been given some grace on some papers that I missed during the year. No matter how hard I try, I just cannot gather the willpower and motivation to write them. It's frustrating me out of my mind because now I have to write an apology for wasting my professor's time with my slacking. I don't know what is wrong but I have to shake this before next semester. It just feels like I'm wasting my school money which in turn not only lets down my parents but my grandparents.

I apologize for this emo stint, Christmas went really well for my family and I. I was given many books and chapters gift cards so I plan on doing a fair bit of recreational reading. That's what I was doing today instead of writing my paper. I haven't been able to read through half a book in a day, not fall asleep and enjoy it for a long time.

And yet those papers hang there. I don't even know if it's worth any mark's anymore.


Anonymous said...

Forgiven this don't let the emo-ness happen again.

Mark said...

Andrew, Joy and I are waiting in the old, ghetto student center for you and now it's taking too long. So... get here faster. See ya.